Alli is an over-the-counter weight loss treatment. It contains 60mg of orlistat, which works by blocking the body's ability to absorb fat.
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Alli Prices
Medicine | x84 Capsules (1 Month) | x168 Capsules (2 Months) | x252 Capsules (3 Months) |
Alli 60mg Capsules | £34.49 | £65.99 | £97.49 |
Buy Alli Online
You can buy Alli online from our registered pharmacy. Simply choose your treatment, fill out the online questionnaire and checkout.
Patient Information Leaflet
For more information about Alli Weight Loss Treatment, take a look at the patient information leaflet below:
Where can I find out more information about Alli?
To find out more information about Alli, visit the NHS website.