How To Stop Premature Ejaculation: Home Remedies & Cures

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Table of Contents
- What is Premature Ejaculation?
- What Causes Premature Ejaculation?
- How to Cure Premature Ejaculation
- Are There Home Remedies to Last Longer in Bed?
- So, How Can I Stop Myself From Ejaculating so Fast?
The average time it takes most men to ejaculate after penetration, is around 5 and a half minutes. The reality is that there is no set amount of time that you need to last, in order to avoid falling in the category of someone who has premature ejaculation (PE). If you aren’t lasting as long as you would like to (within reason and what one is physically capable of), then you have premature ejaculation.
This article will examine the causes of this sexual dysfunction, and detail steps you can take to delay your orgasm and stop premature ejaculation.
Important note: Pre ejaculate is the fluid that is secreted from the penis during sexual arousal. This is known as pre-ejaculatory fluid, or “pre cum”. It is normal and requires no treatment. Whilst pre-ejaculatory fluid is different to semen, it may still contain sperm, so you should wear a condom if you want to avoid impregnating your partner, even if you plan on pulling out before orgasm.
What is Premature Ejaculation?
Premature ejaculation is defined as any instance when semen leaves the body sooner than you would like, during sex. Ultimately, it’s when you cum too quickly.
A National Health Service (NIH) study involving 500 couples found that the average time for male ejaculation was 5 and a half minutes. Whilst it is widely considered that premature, or early ejaculation, is attributed to lasting less than a minute, it is between you and your partner to determine what is considered premature.
What Causes Premature Ejaculation?
Premature ejaculation can affect up to 30% of men and is split into two distinct categories.
Primary Premature Ejaculation
Also known as lifelong premature ejaculation, instances of this condition have been common since the first time you had sex. Causes of primary premature ejaculation can include:
- Conditioning: Early sexual habits such as forcing yourself to ejaculate quickly to avoid being caught can make it difficult to break the habit in adolescence.
- Sexual trauma: Previous negative sexual experiences such as sexual abuse or being caught masturbating can have an effect on ejaculation.
- Culture: In some cultures where sex is not openly discussed and is seen as a taboo can have a negative impact on sexual experience later on in life.
- Health reasons: Some men may find that they naturally experience extra sensitivity along the erogenous zones of the penis. As a result, upon entering their partners, the overwhelming stimulation results in near-immediate or fast orgasm.
Secondary Premature Ejaculation
Also known as acquired premature ejaculation, instances of this condition are intermittent and begin later in life. Causes are often psychological – performance anxiety, for example, has been attributed to the onset of acquired PE – but they can also be physical factors such as smoking and drinking. Causes of secondary PE can include:
- Psychological causes: Performance anxiety or fear of sex can contribute to the emergence of rapid ejaculation during sexual encounters.
- Medical issues: Prostate problems, thyroid issues or a lack of hormones can make it difficult to last long. A study published by the National Library of Medicine (NIH) discovered that levels of luteinising hormones, prolactin, and a thyroid-stimulating hormone were significantly lower in patients with premature ejaculation.
- Unhealthy lifestyle: Excess smoking or drinking can contribute to the rise of premature ejaculation instances in men.
- Age: Premature ejaculation in adolescents and teens can be common due to the simple fact that their reproductive organs are not fully developed. PE that occurs once a man is fully grown could be indicative of an emerging and related health concern or a psychological influencing factor.
- Relationship issues: Relationship issues can contribute to premature ejaculation, especially if it occurs more frequently with one partner than it has with others. In such cases, the dynamics of the relationship may play a role in the issue.
How to Cure Premature Ejaculation
There are both natural techniques and medical interventions that can be used to help treat premature ejaculation. Let’s examine the various treatment protocols you can undertake if suffering from the effects associated with primary or secondary PE.
Premature Ejaculation Pills
Dapoxetine – sold under the brand name Priligy — is the only UK licensed tablet for premature ejaculation. It belongs to the class of drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). It helps to increase the serotonin levels in the nervous system, which increases the time it takes to ejaculate.
Taking Priligy 1 to 3 hours before sex can combat the effects of overstimulation that cause PE. Unfortunately, this treatment is not available on the NHS, and it would have to be sought privately.
Viagra and Cialis may offer assistance
Viagra is used as an ED treatment, but does it work to treat PE? Some studies claim that the use of erectile dysfunction (ED) medication like Viagra and Cialis can assist in offsetting the symptoms of PE.
The active ingredient in Viagra, sildenafil, works to help achieve and maintain an erection. If you’re ejaculating too fast, this is a different issue – and not one that ED medications are licensed to treat. However, some studies have shown that Viagra can help men to last longer in bed, whilst others have not.
Lack of robust clinical data means that ED pills are not licensed to treat PE, however, they may help some men. Whether this is the action of the drug, or a psychological confidence boost, the reason remains to be unknown.
The Stop-Start Technique
The “stop-start” technique is literally the stop-start technique. After you start engaging in sexual intercourse, when you are about to orgasm, you stop. Take a break and let the sensation pass and repeat this over and over again. Practicing this technique builds confidence and should improve your ability to have control over your orgasm, to ensure that you do not cum too fast.
The Squeeze Technique
Just like the “stop start” technique, the “squeeze” technique is in the name.
As you are about to ejaculate, you squeeze the head of the penis, for around 10-20 seconds, until the impulse to orgasm passes.
After releasing the pressure on the penis tip, wait for a few seconds before returning to sex. By delaying ejaculation multiple times, it allows you to stop yourself from ejaculating too quickly.
Penis Desensitising Spray or Cream
he use of creams or delay sprays can effectively combat the symptoms and sensitivities that result in premature ejaculation.
EMLA is a numbing agent that can be rubbed on the head of the penis to make it less sensitive, resulting in a delayed ejaculation response. Containing two local anaesthetics – lidocaine and prilocaine – EMLA cream can be applied 15 minutes before sexual performance.
Thicker Condoms
While many condoms are marketed based on thin barriers designed to enhance feeling to the penis during sex, there are condoms available with a thicker membrane to reduce the sensations of intercourse, with the aim of delaying ejaculation.
Exercises for Premature Ejaculation
Performing exercises such as kegels or jelqing have been attributed to a temporary increase in the size of the penis, thanks to increased blood flow to the engorged male member.
By strengthening the pelvic floor muscle, men can aid in their ability to restrict the ejaculation process that follows overstimulation of the glans penis during the early stages of intercourse.
Take a Deep Breath
Sometimes the simplest techniques are among the most effective – the act of Triangular breathing can delay premature ejaculation.
Rooted in yoga disciplines, this technique involves inhaling for a period of three seconds, followed by a three-second hold before releasing the breath over a period of an additional three seconds.
By counting the seconds and concentrating your mind on your breathing, you can shift focus away from your arousal, so that you do not ejaculate as fast.
Let your Partner on Top
Changing your preferred position can have a positive effect on the duration of your sexual encounter. By talking to your partner and addressing your concern over the possibility of premature ejaculation, you can work together to reduce the chance of PE.
If your partner is astride or on top of you during sexual activity, they can pull away once you indicate you’re close to ejaculating. This act, combined with the fact that you’re in less control when they’re on top, can contribute to a longer-lasting sexual episode.
Couples Therapy
As mentioned previously, addressing your mental health concerns regarding the possibility of premature ejaculation can go a long way toward combating the psychological symptoms associated with the condition.
Couples therapy can be exploratory or behavioural, examining issues in the relationship or the specific sexual techniques that could contribute to PE.
Are There Home Remedies to Last Longer in Bed?
While research into the efficacy of a supplement protocol resulting in reduced premature ejaculation instances is limited, there are some homeopathic benefits associated with the following ingredients:
Zinc is one of the more natural treatments for men living with lowered testosterone. As reported by Taylor & Francis Online, 220 mg of zinc sulfate, twice a day, over 1 to 4 months, is often recommended. A daily regimen of zinc supplementation may aid in raising testosterone and improve sexual libido. While no specific scientific data linking the two exists, one NIH study linked zinc therapy and sexual improvement in rats.
Ayurvedic Medicine
Ayurveda medicine is a form of alternative healing developed on the Indian subcontinent approximately 3000 years ago. Regarded as one of the oldest holistic healing methodologies, Ayurvedic medicine claims premature ejaculation is the result of an imbalance of Vata (air) and Pitta Dosha at the initiation of physical mating. Ayurvedic experts list a number of natural remedies to treat premature ejaculation, including:
- Eranda Moola (Ricinus communis Linn.)
- Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri Linn)
- Mandukaparni (Centella asiatica Linn)
- Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis)
- Jatiphal (myristica frangrans)
- Putrajeevak
- Jāvitrī
- Lavanga
- Kaunch Beej
Unfortunately, these ingredients lack substantial scientific evidence. It is important to check the safety of these ingredients with your doctor or pharmacist beforehand.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
The study Traditional Chinese medicine on treating premature ejaculation outlines the available protocols for combatting PE. Chinese medicine believes the primary cause of premature ejaculation originates in the kidneys, and that Yin deficiency and heat, qi stagnation, and blood stasis are its main pathogenic factors. Modern research claims that the active ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine can improve the blood supply of peripheral blood vessels and contribute to the regulation of total body function, which presents advantages in the treatment of PE.
So, How Can I Stop Myself From Ejaculating so Fast?
There are many reasons and causes attributed to the emergence of premature ejaculation problems. Men suffering from this condition can seek a plethora of treatments in order to overcome it.
Whether applying topical creams, sprays, PE pills, trying various exercises – or simply communicating with your partner – the methods available to combat the onset of PE are as varied as the factors that cause it. If you find yourself struggling with the effects of premature ejaculation, see a doctor or licensed medical professional in order to narrow down which of the many treatment options is right for you.
Whilst all of our content is written and reviewed by healthcare professionals, it is not intended to be substituted for or used as medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns about your health, please speak to your doctor.