Logynon is a combined oral contraceptive pill which contains the active ingredients levonorgestrel and oestrogen ethinylestradiol which are artificial versions of naturally occuring female sex hormones, progestegen and oestrogen.
Next Day Delivery
Plain & Discreet Packaging
Confidential Service
UK registered service
Logynon Prices
Medicine | x3 x 21 Tablets (3 Month Course) | x3 x 28 Tablets (3 Month Course) |
Logynon x 21 Tablets (3 Month Course) | £13.89 | |
Logynon ED x 28 Tablets (3 Month Course) | £13.89 |
Patient Information Leaflet
For more information about the contraceptive pills Logynon and Logynon ED, take a look at the patient information leaflets below:
Where can I find out more information about Logynon and Logynon ED?
To find out more information about Logynon and Logynon ED, visit the NHS website.